Posted on junio 25, 2019 by Monica Vera

Florverde Sustainable Flowers label.
In the world of standards which aim to certify good environmental, social or quality production practices, we see hundreds of local and global initiatives with diverse levels of recognition in the different destination markets. And it is curious to note that this recognition is more often based on the ability of their communications and marketing strategies rather than on the technical robustness of the standards as a tool for continuous improvement.
Florverde Sustainable Flowers and Rainforest Alliance Certified

Florverde Sustainable Flowers is a standard that covers socio-labor, environmental and quality management aspects in the production of flowers and ornamentals in Latin American countries. FSF adopts the international requirements of both social and environmental agreements, ensuring that the most relevant aspects to the sustainability in floriculture of this region are covered in a comprehensive and inclusive manner.
The Standards Map tool yields the following results that allow us to visualize the differences in the contents of the FSF and RAC standards:

Comparative requirements of both certifications FSF – RAC. Source: The Sustanability Map 2018.

Requirements of both certifications in environmental aspects. Source: The Sustainability Map 2018.

Requirements of both certifications in social and labor aspects. Source: The Sustainability Map 2018.

Requirements of both certifications on economic aspects. Source: The Sustainability Map 2018.

Requirements of both certifications on quality aspects. Source: The Sustainability Map 2018.

Requirements of both certifications on ethics and integrity aspects. Source: The Sustainability Map 2018
Florverde Sustainable Flowers, with 22 years of experience, counts on the most robust standards specifically aimed at the production of flowers and ornamentals, covering social, environmental, labor, and production quality aspects of the product. When compared to other standards, it is easily seen why Florverde Sustainable Flowers is the label only for the best.
Written by: Mónica Vera, Sustainable Impact Coordinator at Florverde, with contribution of Ximena Franco, Director Florverde.
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